$peepo Marketing Wallet

The Best Way for Active Members to Contribute to the Project's Growth

All contributions will be stored in a wallet accessible to everyone with full transparency. All funds will be used for marketing to grow the coin, increase our visibility, and become popular. Together, we are strong!

Follow the steps below to participate.

1: Understand the Allocation of Donations

Donations will be distributed across three pillars, choose your favorite options in Section 2.

Step 2: Your Opinion Matters

Fill out this form. We will take the majority of votes into account to prioritize marketing actions. ( $Peepo the Coin Of The People )

Step 3: Contribute Now and Become a Real $Peepo Warrior

Choose Your Preferred Transfer Method







After making your donation, take a screenshot and send it to Noctis or an admin on Telegram or Discord to receive access to the private Warrior group. As a Warrior, you will be able to choose the best promotional ideas during our marketing meetings.

Thank you to everyone for your contributions and support! Together, we will grow and strengthen our community.

Entre vous identifiant et votre mot de passe pour vous connecter à votre compte.